The Lola

The Lola

Honoring our connections across generations Lola’s story starts where all of ours does – with her mother, Caitlin. Caitlin is a lover of travel and long time expat, who has spent the last 13 years living in New Zealand, Italy, France and Switzerland. Her...
The Mandy

The Mandy

Friendships as warm as summer We all have that friend who reminds us of summer. She’s the one that we can’t wait to be around and lifts our spirits; forever welcoming and ready to pick up just where you left off. It doesn’t matter the distance or the...
The Claudia

The Claudia

Light the way You often hear teachers say, my students are like my own kids, and Claudia truly embodies that statement. High schoolers today are navigating through uncharted waters, but for a fortunate few they have Claudia Curtis to light their way. Safe haven for...
The Loved One

The Loved One

The power of handwritten messages I’ve kept a card box for as long as I can remember. The handwritten messages from over the years sit on a shelf in my hall closet and are beginning to burst out of the top. My box has one rule. If some one takes the time to...
The Marlene

The Marlene

As real as real could get Marlene was an original. She was a woman without a filter, as real as real could get. Marlene was not afraid to say what she was thinking. In a world where so many always choose their words with care, you never had to wonder what she was...