Muriel’s story begins where all of ours does: with her mom. Muriel was born into the quaint mid-western town of Lakefield, Minnesota. You’ve probably never heard of it, but it’s a charming small town. The city’s population is under 2,000 and named for its nearby lake. Muriel’s mom, Alyssa, set up shop on Main Street in 2020. She found a quintessential corner store with Art Deco tile the color of the sea to call her own. In Modern Heirloom, you can browse and take in vintage pieces and modern finds curated by Alyssa. She describes her shop itself as a Modern Heirloom. It dates back to 1885 and is the oldest building in Lakefield. To put that in perspective, the American Flag only waived with 38 stars when the building was constructed.

Alyssa opened her store amidst the pandemic as a mama of three while welcoming baby Muriel into the world. She finds a way to pour her heart into both her growing family and each item that comes through her shop doors. It’s an inspirational endeavor to witness. She sets boundaries that may seem unconventional, but show women that it is possible to make time for your family while pursuing your own passions. To ensure she could bear witness to the sweetness of life, to Muriel’s first steps, to deep belly laughs with her girls and husband, she changed her shop hours to whenever it worked for her with surprise open days.

Modern Heirloom in Lakefield, MN

When her shop is open, each piece, whether modern or heirloom, has a story and message behind it. That’s when I started to notice the rainbows. They were subtle, but present throughout the items in the shop. Then came Muriel’s rainbow cake to celebrate her first birthday. It all fell together in my mind. The rainbows were Muriel’s story and the story of many women. 1 in 4 pregnancies result in miscarriage. It’s often an isolating experience that isn’t openly shared, but no one should have to grieve alone. There’s a quiet message in the rainbows throughout the store. If you’re the 1 in 4, you’re not alone and there is hope and new beginnings after the storm.

Alyssa with Muriel and her siblings

The Muriel 14k Gold Rainbow Gemstone Ring

I designed The Muriel Rainbow Gemstone Ring to represent hope and healing after deep loss. She is a reminder that there is no one right way to heal and that you can take time to grieve while celebrating life. May her rainbow gemstones serve as a symbol of hope and new beginnings after the storm.