Friendships as warm as summer
We all have that friend who reminds us of summer. She’s the one that we can’t wait to be around and lifts our spirits; forever welcoming and ready to pick up just where you left off. It doesn’t matter the distance or the time, she’s inviting all the same. Take a minute to think of your friend who reminds you of the warmth of summer and remember how important they are to you. For me that friend is Mandy.
I’ve known Mandy since high school, but it feels like all my life. She was there for the important moments that helped to shape who I am today. Everything with her is an adventure and often the first time trying something. From riding RVs in the mountains, to my first roadtrip to a beach, to standing by her side as a bridesmaid in her wedding. Our friendship isn’t made only for the good times. When I saw her walk into my sister’s funeral, I saw a warm, familiar face that gave me assurance that I’d weather this somehow too. Years later, I stopped by her house and she approached me with something behind her back. I had never seen her nervous. She said, “I’m not sure how this is going to go.” She had my full attention. Behind her back she had a bottle of flavored Voka that my sister gave me for my 21st birthday that I shared with Mandy that day. Somehow it ended up in her liquor cabinet where it lived for over a decade. We took the last shots in the bottle and I’m sure the feeling of warmth was from our enduring friendship.
I’m far from the only one who feels her warmth. I’ve asked the most important women in Mandy’s life how she makes them feel and here’s what they shared.
“Her larger than life qualities make Mandy, Mandy.” – Mandy’s sister, Megan
As the younger sister, I always admired Mandy and tried to be just like her. I remember sneaking into the entrance of her closet to ‘borrow’ clothes or her Nike shox sneakers that she had every color of. Mandy is someone you can always count on, she will drop everything and be there for you. She is so kindhearted and genuine in the way she treats others. Her heart always has room for everyone. Her generostiy goes beyond physical or monetary things. Mandy makes people laugh, she is full of emotion, and all of her larger than life qualities make Mandy, Mandy. She always leaves an impression in people’s minds and hearts. I feel lucky to call Mandy not only my sister, but a best friend.

“Mommy makes me feel so special.” – Mandy’s daughter, Emily
I love my mommy and I always want her to be with me. Mommy is my best friend. I love when she gives me hugs and kisses and snuggles with me at bedtime. Mommy makes me feel so special.

“She makes me so proud.” – Mandy’s mom, Kathy
I love watching my daughter become a mom. She has three beautiful children and she is a fantastic mother. She makes me so proud. Mandy has had her mind made up since she was a little girl. She knew what she wanted and to this day that hasn’t changed. Day in and day out I look at my daughter in awe of the wonderful person and mother she has grown into.

“The light, the levity, the energy, the warmth…” – Mandy’s friend, Jess
Everything about Mandy perfectly matches this upcoming summer season – the light, the levity, the energy, the warmth, but mostly how badly you miss it when it’s not around. This is what friendship with Mandy has been like since day one. We’ve spent every day together, then years apart, and everything in between, but it’s been one of the most rewarding friendships when we’re together, in whatever form that takes. We’ve known each other since elementary school and it’s a relationship that has stood the test of time. We’ve lived minutes and hours apart and we’ve always found time for each other. I’m so thankful she values our friendship as much as I do. She’s a runner, she’s a best friend, she’s a loving daughter, a loyal sister, a great partner, a killer mom, and all around genuine person. Every phase of my life has had Mandy in it and I couldn’t envision it any other way.

“A lifelong friend who I am certain of.” – Mandy’s friend, Alyson
Remember, you don’t need a certain number of friends, just a number of friends that you are certain of. Amanda has been a lifelong friend who I am certain of. Our memories are always full of adventure and fun!

“Loves hard and laughs harder.” – Mandy’s friend, Nikki
To know Amanda is to love her! She is someone who loves hard and laughs harder. No matter the physical distance between us, I know her friendship will always be there. One of my most treasured memories of Amanda was when she came to visit us after moving away and we spent the night drinking and dancing by the lake. Somehow she ended up getting tossed in the lake and we laughed so much it hurt. She is someone who will take the shirt off her back for you and make sure you’re taken care of. You couldn’t find a better friend than Amanda.

“It’s hard to choose one memory.” – Mandy’s friend, Shana
It’s hard to choose one memory from all the years we’ve been best friends, but the party bus to NSYNC concert, camping outback, many night swims, and getting caught sneaking Kahlua up to Mandy’s bedroom are a few of my favorites! We’ve passed several notes in school and have had many laughs and they are still some of my most special memories.

The Mandy 14k Gold Seashell Charm Necklace
The Mandy is our 14K gold seashell charm necklace. She signifies the warmth of the summer always ready to greet you no matter how long you’ve been away. It’s easy to fall back into the natural rhythm of friendship despite the waves of change in life.